Resume App
An Android application that allows users to create and display their professional resumes in an interactive and visually appealing format.
- GitHub Repository: ResumeApp
- Technologies Used: Android SDK, Kotlin, Android Jetpack (ViewModel, LiveData), Room, Coroutines, RecyclerView, Material Design
- Role: Sole developer
- Notable achievements:
- Developed an intuitive user interface using Material Design guidelines to create an engaging user experience.
- Utilized Android Jetpack components, including ViewModel and LiveData, to implement a robust and lifecycle-aware architecture.
- Integrated Room database for storing and retrieving resume data locally on the device.
- Utilized Coroutines for managing asynchronous operations and maintaining a responsive UI.
- Implemented a dynamic RecyclerView to display resume sections and allow users to add, edit, and remove resume entries.
- Incorporated smooth animations and transitions to enhance the overall user experience.
- Compose
- Dagger Hilt
- Room
- Github action
AndroidKotlinJetpackCoroutinesRecyclerViewRoomMaterial Design